You come to our office faced with the problem of part-making. For example, the output rate or accuracy of Your work is not sufficient, or the quality of surface is inadequate, or You don't have appropriate equipment for making such parts. Then, we introduce to You the opportunities revealed by the innovative technology of electrochemical pulse machining (ÅÒ- technologies).
We gratuitously perform the analysis of Your detail drawings to evaluate the possibility of application the method of electrochemical pulse machining (ET -method) for Your parts production. In case that our technology may be applied, we demonstrate to You test machining of parts on our equipment. Then we deliver to You a test record sheet (including information about geometrical arrangement and roughness) and capacity data.
We select a suitable equipment model and prepare a technical and commercial proposal for its supply or a technical and commercial proposal for the execution of Your order on part lot production.
You decide on either purchasing our equipment or favouring us with an order of parts production. In case of ordering our equipment we provide You with a broad range of services: staff training, our technology and methods of work, backup (warranty) service (an inquiry answer on the territory of the Russian Federation in no longer than 3 working days) and follow-up service.
A standard procedure of working machine supply after contract conclusion consists of:
Prepayment transfer
Manufacturing of equipment (it takes us from 3 to 5 months depending on the list equipment)
Delivery of the manufactured working machine to the customer at the assembly site of “ECM” LLC
Transportation. Installation and starting-up of the working machine at the Customer's production site
Delivery of the working machine to the customer and machining of a test part.