Electrochemical machines of «ET» series (ЕТ200/ET 500/ЕТ1000/ЕТ3000/ET6000-3d) are intended for precise electrochemical processing of parts made of tool steels, titanium, nickel, copper, ceramic-metal hard WC-Co alloys, magnets, nanostructure alloys, etc.
Machines of the "ET" series are compact and free-standing, environment friendly, they can effectively be applied for parts manufacturing of aircraft and motor vehicle engines, press moulds, dies, punches, medical tools, human implants, parts of precise instruments, jewels and many other things.
Depending on application, machines of the "ET" series can be applied equally effectively as in a small-batch manufacturing - tools manufacture (shape-generating equipment: punches, molds, etc.), and in serial production (gas turbine engine blades, disposable medical instruments, etc.)
All scale of the "ET" series machines is certified for the Russian Federation!
Structurally the machines of the "ET" series consist of the following basic components:
Machine operation (after a blank installation) - as an integrated system from the specified above components, can be carried out automatically, without obligatory presence of an operator.