Special two coordinate electrochemical machine for rotary double-end machining of blades of the aero gas-turbine engines.
Destination: precision bilateral circular processing of a profile, shelves and edges of shovels of GTE from heat resisting staly, titanic alloys and intermetallid up to 40 cm2 on the party.
Main advantages:
- Processing on interelectrode gaps 5 … 20 microns, and, as a result, high precision of copying. The small deviation of the formed surfaces from an equidistance to an electrode provides simplification of design of electrodes, reduces, or completely excludes technological iterations by definition of a working profile of electrodes tools
- Simultaneous processing of all surfaces of the aerodynamic highway - processing of shovels "around" - (a back, a trough, edges, the prizamkovy shelf, galtel)
- high performance of processing (up to 0.7 mm/min.)
- finishing quality of a surface (Ra 0.4 … 0.1 microns)
- there are microsecond bipolar operating modes with vibration of an electrode tool, pulse and cyclic and with constant giving on a direct current
- the power supply of the ET machine is capable to work in the range of currents from 1A to 8000A. The power supply provides on loading impulses of microsecond duration in all range of currents
- the power supply of the ET machine has autonomous air cooling
- operating modes of the machine and power supply switch according to the program from the CNC system
- the mechanical system of the machine has the increased rigidity (for realization vibro-EHO) and high stability (<2 microns) amplitudes of vibration of EI
- the system of preparation and regeneration of electrolyte is autonomous and has the closed work cycle. Turns on the press filter providing purification of electrolyte of slime, the system of thermostabilization of electrolyte, a control system of acidity of pH
- there is a subsystem of preparation of electrolyte and removal of ions of Cr6+