Distinctive feature of the new ET-technology of electrochemical processing developed by PECM Industrial, LLC, is that groups of microsecond impulses of high density current are synchronously supplied to the electrodes located in the electrolyte and oscillating, during the moments of their rapprochement to the minimum interelectrode gap, that leads to essential spatial localisation of electrochemical reactions in submicron and nanometric sizes.
The branded ET-technology of impulse electrochemical processing according to complex criterion "accuracy- roughness -productivity" surpasses the majority of modern methods of finishing processing of parts. The achieved record indicators on surface roughness (to Ra 0,01. 0,002) and resolution at copying (<1 micron) allow to exclude traditional finishing operations: finish grinding and polishing.
The ET-technology, as well as traditional technology of electrochemical processing, is "cold", that is not connected with any considerable heating of the surface and change of its structure, there is no mechanical contact of the tool and a part at processing, and the most important thing is complete absence of the tool wear.
Independence of target technological indicators of the ECM method from physical — mechanical properties of the processed material allows to process both tempered, and non-tempered steels.
Thus after processing there are no whiskers and sharp edges that in most cases allows to reduce hand work, or to exclude from technological processes the corresponding operations.
Processing with ET-technology is carried out at small interelectrode gaps (1... 10 micron), that allows in most cases to avoid the correction of the mould and the sizes of the working part of the tool in the course of technology elaboration. Oscillating of the EDM electrode provides compression of the gas-liquid interelectrode environment during an impulse of current supply and its fast replacement in the interelectrode space during the retraction of the EDM electrode from the blank surface. In aggregate, it creates a favorable hydrodynamic mode of electrolyte fluid for anode dissolution process and facilitates essentially the production accessories design.
The automated control system and the embedded database of technological modes allow to process parts of various forms and from different materials in most cases without additional research and do not demand high qualification of machines operators.